Friday, February 12, 2016

Judi Madarus: Linn Benton Community College's 'Lunch Lady'

 If one were to think of the classic grumpy lunch lady stereotype, Judi Ann Madarus would shatter the mold. Friendly, talkative, and cheerful, Madarus loves working in the Courtyard Cafe.

The Courtyard Cafe sits snugly behind Takena Hall, a roof of windows providing soft light throughout. Madarus sits in the center of the bustling cafe, checking students out and offering a smile, easily remembering each one's name.

Judi Madarus took over the position of supervisor after her mother, Carolyn DeLaine retired.

"We used to work upstairs in the Commons together," said Madarus, smiling as she remembered.

Madarus has worked at LBCC for 36 years now, after trying to retire during year 28.

She started out working hot lines and making food for banquets, and when she took over for her mother, she moved downstairs to the Courtyard Cafe. She came back from a brief retirement because

"I like the students and faculty. I'm a people person."

Judi Madarus is a cashier at a kiosk in the doorway of the cozy Courtyard Cafe, and she cleans and restocks over half of the cafe every weekday starting at 8 a.m.

When she's not at work, she loves to garden. Madarus used to garden here at LBCC, growing sunflowers outside the Cafe. The sunflowers were banned because of the cleanup involved once the flowers died in late fall.

 Spending time with her three grandkids, Austin Carson, 18, Koby, 14, and the youngest, Caylee, 11 is also a favorite pastime.

 When asked about her grandkids, she beamed excitedly, saying "They play one sport after the other. I go drive up and watch their games."

Madarus said it herself when she said "The pins are my legacy."

Everyone knows about her pins. "It started with one angel, and people kept bringing me more!"

Judi Madarus is not just known for her pins, however.

 Paige Kosa, a student smiled when asked about her. "She's nice, and she chats with me." Justin Hammond, a Computer Lab Aid said that "She brightens my day when I get my coffee for work."


Name: Judi Ann Madarus
Born: In New York, moved to Albany, Ore. at 9 months of age.
Hobbies: Gardening, and watching her grandkids play sports as well as collecting pins.
Family: Two daughters and her grandkids, Austin Carson, 18; Koby, 14; and Caylee, 11.

1 comment:

  1. Topic 1 Class Blog:

    I really enjoyed reading Moriah Hoskins article on Judi Madarus the lunch lady on campus at LBCC. I thought it was very easy to follow, and had some great information on what she likes to do outside of campus like watching her kids play sports. I thought Moriah did very well outsourcing other students for quotes toward the end of the write up. The quotes from students about how nice Madarus the lunch lady is while on the job really helps the article's richness. If there was one thing I would suggest to Moriah, I would just say that this is a profile article and a picture would have been beneficial. Other than that I think this article is very well-written and there are not many mistakes that bulge out at you. For a follow up story, you could get maybe another article related to how good the cafe is here on campus to LB students, because of the hard work of employees and dedication.
